Creative Wellbeing
These sessions are designed to bring calm and focus to the students and allow them to focus on being in the moment by engaging with the senses.

Woodland cocktails
Half-day session £500
The session will be about finding out more about our sense of smell and how trees can create smells on the wind to warn other trees of bug infestation. We will include Forest bathing sensory grounding down and mindful techniques to help participants relax.
Creative activity- Creating woodland cocktails to share and smell.

Den Building.
Half-day session £500
This will be a relaxing session in the wood using simple mindfulness techniques to relax and connect to the woods. Participants will be asked to bring along a small toy and then make a den for them in the woods using what is about us. Artist will model simple build techniques. We will learn more about what kinds of habitats woodland animals need to flourish and survive.
Creative Activity- Woodland crowns and den building

Pirate Treasure
Half-day £500
Children come to the session dressed as pirates to follow an interactive map that leads them to buried treasure at the beach. This workshop is the ideal way to combine instructional language and promote speaking and listening skills.

Musical Madness
Half-day session £500
Performer led session a focus on sound and rhythm. We will make simple musical instruments from recycled materials to parade around the school with Thrive trainer and performer John Quinn.
Creative Activity- Making shakers and using simple tools